E3 Transformation Services


Simon Middle School Success Story

From a low-performing school to 6 TEA Distinction Designations


Simon Middle School opened in the Fall of 2009 in the rapidly growing community of Kyle, Texas, a suburb of Austin. One of 25 schools in Hays CISD, the school began with 450 students. Within two years, the student population grew to 551 and continued to track upwards.


Administrators faced challenges associated with a very new campus home to a large population of students with a history of low academic performance and learning gaps.

Also, most teachers had five or less years of experience. Teachers and staff were concerned with limited progress, increased student gaps, and the new system of state accountability on the horizon.

Expected Outcomes

Leaders envisioned improving the execution of effective instruction, ensuring students retained the skills needed for success beyond high school, and creating an environment where students and staff flourished in a uniquely designed campus culture.

Implementation Timeline and Support


In the discovery phase, leaders engaged with E3 in a collaborative data analysis, a campus needs assessment, and campus improvement plan. The team used this analysis to design professional development content.

Campus leaders were introduced to protocols and processes for analyzing and leveraging data, development of systems for monitoring instructional lesson planning, and action planning that integrated with systemic accountability measures.

Campus leaders participated in face-to-face coaching, focusing on campus systems, evaluation of leadership and instructional practices, and strategies for leading change.


During the transformation phase, E3 provided professional development to leadership teams and teachers.

Onsite campus visits were also conducted frequently to help campus leaders refine their performance by monitoring implementation, feedback, and data collection. School leaders created a supportive and purposeful learning environment across every classroom.

An accountability system designed to include a data collection component was developed to monitor implementation. Campus leaders could then stay apprised of professional development needs and give teachers further opportunities to strengthen their skills and grow in their profession throughout the year.

Ultimately, leadership created a campus culture of lifelong learners.


In the sustainability phase, E3 guided campus leaders through an evaluation of systems and planning to strengthen and sustain practices, including planning for the upcoming year and ensuring sustainability through building capacity for leadership with a campus-based team.

Campus leaders created action plans to continue the campus improvement throughout the remainder of the year and for a successful start of the next school year.

Positive Impact

Through collaborative work with E3, the leadership team crafted meaningful statements that served as the foundation for every action item taken. At the beginning of each school year, every teacher committed to the journey. They received professional development on instructional strategies and collectively determined student and staff expectations that reflected their mission and vision.

E3 guided the team through careful alignment of district and campus initiatives to ensure the highest impact on all students.

Throughout each year, the team ensured instruction was reflective of their mission; professional learning was provided at every faculty meeting; teachers had protected planning time twice a week; and they received constructive, focused feedback.

Simon became a pillar of student-centered classrooms, and teachers committed to “doing what’s best for kids.”

They created an environment centered on teacher collaboration that strategically addressed student academic needs and achieved positive educational outcomes for all students. The transformational experience empowered both students and staff alike.

Why E3 Alliance?

E3 Alliance is a mission-driven organization focused on transforming education systems through data and collaboration so all students succeed. E3 works with school districts and campus leadership to implement sustainable, positive student outcomes through proprietary and proven, data-backed frameworks and systems.

Partnership Formed

E3’s partnership with Simon Middle School commenced in the 2011-12 school year with a systematic focus on whole-school transformation. They implemented solutions focused on leadership, Instruction, special populations, and campus culture. Our partnership continued until the 2014-15 school year.


Carrying out comprehensive effective instruction and applying best practices for positive school culture for students and staff, helped Simon Middle School leaders meet and surpass their goals.

Specifically, Simon Middle School:

  • Met and exceeded needs of its diverse student population
  • Exceeded accountability targets
  • Received 6 out of 7 distinctions from Texas Education Agency, including highest in Student Progress
  • Distinguished as a Bright Spot in the region by E3 Alliance’s 3D Growth data for the lowest percentages of chronically absent students and achieving high scores in the region and state for math and reading
  • Led the district in top attendance
  • Won regional attendance awards
  • Identified as a 2014 Texas and National School to Watch
  • Earned Texas School of Character Award

“Our school is very diverse and one of the most challenged in the region. Yet we’re succeeding with our students at every level.”

—Matt Pope

Former Principal, 2012-2015, Simon Middle School